Refund policy


As of this writing, I’ve spent over 17,000 hours researching and testing study advice you can find online. That’s why I’m confident that you’ll be satisfied when you buy one of my products — so much, in fact, that I’m willing to offer a 30 day money back guarantee so you can try them for yourself without any risk.

If you don’t love Lean Anki Study System after 30 days from your date of purchase, just email me that you want a refund and I’ll buy the course back from you. I’ll even eat the Credit Card/Paypal processing fees.

The course is concise enough to be read within a few days, so that’s enough time for you to read the course MULTIPLE TIMES, implement the entire system, and benefit from it.

If you still don’t love the content and the clarity you get after that, you get your money back. No questions asked.

Contacting us

If you would like to contact us concerning any matter relating to this Refund Policy, you may do so via the contact form or send an email to [email protected]

This document was last updated on April 8, 2021